Dekko Timeline
Rossie in Reykjavik, Iceland
Rossie delivers staff training for school teachers in Reykjavik, Iceland. He shares the value of using visuals, creativity and learner agency in education.
Dekko Home Video Courses Launch
Dekko Home Video Courses are released for home and personal use, a service that provides learners with easily digestible content through engaging and accessible lessons.
Dekko Video Courses for Schools Arrive
Dekko Video Courses for Schools are launched complete with study maps and curriculum guides. The service shares the Dekko Technique of turning education into entertainment with wider audiences in a more accessible way.
Dekko Comics Visit Germany
Dekko Comics delivers workshops at St George’s School in Cologne, Germany.
Dyslexia Awards Winner
Rossie Stone is nominated as a finalist in two separate categories at the Dyslexia Awards 2022, ‘Innovation Award’ and ‘Amazing Artist’, where he is announced as the winner of the ‘Amazing Artist’ award.
Rossie Guests on BBC Radio Scotland
Rossie Stone guests on BBC Radio Scotland, alongside Mike Stirling (Creative Director at Beano Studios), to discuss the benefit of comics for younger readers and the impact that Dekko Comics has had.
Mission Dyslexia Published
Mission Dyslexia, a book that Rossie co-authored with Paul and Julie McNeil, is released. Featuring characters designed and illustrated by Rossie.
Dekko Comics Subscriptions Arrive
Dekko Comics launches its read online subscription service.
Dekko Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic Released
The Dekko Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic is published, covering subjects and topics such as coping strategies, change and rest, anxiety and wellbeing, and many more. The response is overwhelmingly positive with educators praising its ability to open up discussions around mental health with a variety of readers.
Dekko Comics Arrive Online
Dekko Comics are available online for the first time. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are initially made available for free to help with home learning.
Dekko Drawing Released
Dekko Drawing teaches aspiring artists how to draw Dekko Characters in the Dekko way, complete with step-by-step instructions, exercises and comic pages for learners to test their progress.
Dekko Reader Arrives
After a successful crowdfunding campaign, the Dekko Reader app (since retired) launches publicly.
Dekko Branches Out
Rossie continues delivering successful workshops, including one at the Wigtown Book Festival. The Dekko team travels to London to attend the New Scientist Live 2018 festival, where all stock of Dekko Comics sell out. The month ends on a positive note, with Rossie travelling to Finland for a visit to Kielo International School. The teachers are impressed with the product, and Kielo becomes the first school outside the UK to use Dekko Comics.
National Diversity Awards 2018
The prestigious National Diversity Awards announce their 2018 shortlist, and Rossie Stone is nominated in the Entrepreneur of Excellence category.
Meeting with National Government
Dekko, along with representatives from ELT Well and Sheffield Hallam University, meet with members from the Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative parties to discuss the role of products like Dekko Comics in future education plans. Enthusiasm for Dekko’s work is shown by numerous members, including Labour MP Frank Skinner.
Subscriptions Launch
Subscriptions are launched, marking a new phase for Dekko Comics. Monthly comic production begins (since retired).
Dekko Comics Issue 4: People Want More!
Dekko Comics Issue 4 is officially launched at St Andrews Primary School in Stafford. Dekko Comics begin being sold internationally.
New Branches Booming
All 3 of Rossie’s Dekko workshops at the Borders Book Festival sell out. Development of Dekko Comic Issue 4 finalises. Workshops and Commissions are now full branches of the Dekko business.
Dekko Comics Issue 3 Comes to Be
Dekko Comics Issue 3 is launched. Dekko Comics gets ready to enter a working relationship with HarperCollins. The Dekko artist team expands.
Publishing Giants' Attention
Dekko exhibits at the Education Show 2017, London. Dekko begins discussions with HarperCollins, who seem potentially interested in running a publishing pilot with Dekko Comics. The Dekko management team expands.
Media Attention
Rossie delivers his first TEDx Talks on the Dekko Comics concept, and the comics are even featured on BBC News. Dekko Commissions and Dekko workshops both begin to grow in popularity. Dekko exhibits at the BETT Show 2017.
Funding & Recognition
Dekko Comics is one of the winners of the Young EDGE award, winning £10,000 in grant funding.
Dekko Comics is Born
The first Dekko Comics issues — Issues 1 & 2 — are released to the public.
The Company is Set Up
The Dekko Kickstarter reaches beyond its £10K goal and raises over £13,000. Dekko Comics is officially set up as a Limited Company. The first Dekko artists are brought on board.
A kickstarter is launched to raise enough money to develop the first two official Dekko Comics issues for public consumption.
Prototypes & Testing
The first Dekko comic prototypes are made and the concept of the Dekko Comics starts being trialled with other pupils.
The Venture Begins
Rossie begins working on turning his revision technique that supported him through school into comic strips that can help others like him. Building a business that turns entertainment into education stars to take shape.