Dekko Characters
Basil & Ernie
Two whacky middle-aged workmen
Beechboy Barkley
Mellow tree dude
Carl the Constipated Tadpole
Chronically constipated underdeveloped amphibian
Dan's Body Battles
Teenager whose body is constantly at war with invading forces
Detective Duke
Mystery-mulling freelance detective
The Doctopus
with Nurse Skuttlefish
Gamer Girl
Girl passionate about computer gaming
Incy & Wincy
Cheeky fly who enjoys avoiding a malicious spider.
Inventor Boy
Boy skilled at inventing
A born problem solver
Self-proclaimed outlaw kid
P.I camera
Mascot of comic stories 'Picture-It!'
Posh kiwi bird
Ricky Rhino
Swindling rhinoceros salesman
...a thing.
Tales of Words
Stories with different characters each time.
& trusted sidekick, Crowball
Tracy Time
Girl with a time-travelling glitch in her mobile phone
Agent Ang
Think’s he’s James Bond & has the gadgets to prove it
Cob the Impossible Blob
Transforming blob that can become anything for any lesson
Jessica & Miriam
A girl and her everpresent friendly nightmare
Wilma & Wurton
Witch and Wizard double-act of buffoonery