Dekko and The Remarkablz

Some time ago I met Katy Alexander at a New Scientist Live event. It was there she began to tell me of an idea she had been working on. Katy wanted to take historically important female scientists and pioneers and turn them into superhero characters as a way of telling their stories in a fun and creative way.

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Rossie Stone
Why we created the mental health comic

At one of our virtual team meetings, some of our team members were discussing the impact that the lockdown was having on their children. Mostly they observed their children’s wonderful resilience, but as parents they were worried about what effect this unprecedented situation would have on them in the long term.

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Rossie Stone
A company that turns your message into engaging visual narratives

You can now get your own information or venture turned into a Dekko Comic to connect with your audience more effectively, with DEKKO COMMISSIONS.

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