Dekko Comics For Education
Since 2015 Dekko Comics’ Rossie Stone has turned education content into engaging and fun comic strips based on his own way of revising for his exams. He has used these skills and his creativity to support other learners by removing some of the barriers to them engaging with reading and learning.
We have not finished there!
We are delighted to announce “Dekko for Education”. Giving educators an easier way of accessing and understanding this fun and engaging content and enabling you to support learners in different ways.
Dekko for Education gives you three options
Free for schools online
The opportunity to try out a number of our comics and our amazing resources to trial and test before you buy, along with access to three full comics including issues one and two and a copy of our Mental Health Guide. Read more
Dekko Online for Schools
Engage your students with our Dekko online for schools, giving you access to all of the 144 comic stories and access to our mental health comic, and loads of supported resources including the two activity packs for key stage two and mental health. read more
Dekko Classroom Pack
The classroom pack not only gives you all of our online content, resources and support. It also comes with all 13 comics and a copy of Dekko Draw, for you to share throughout your organisation. read more
Excellent supplements for the classroom, and popular library material