Summer Update!
Summer is here and with it comes exciting updates about the soon to be released Issue 8!
This update focuses only on Issue 8 with a cover reveal, a new character and a bit of information about when it will be with our subscribers.
Another issue without our orange colour and keeping the sporty themes that were apparent in Issue 7. Thanks to Reynaldo Leon for our cover, you should check out his twitter page.
Last month we introduced Miriam the Friendly Nightmare. This month we're happy to introduce Agent Ang - a kid who acts like James Bond and is the sixth of the Dekko kids. We look forward to his adventures and how he gets on with the kids - we're sure they'll get into all sorts of trouble and I hope you're excited to read about it.

Here are just a few snippets to whet your appetite for the soon to be released Issue 8. As it's now Summer our team are taking a bit of a break which means that Issue 8 will be released later in the month. Don't worry though - Issue 9 will be released the same time as all of the others so to make up for this delay the gap between 8 and 9 will be much shorter.
We're hoping to be doing a lot this Summer and we look forward to keeping you updated on all of it as it's happening.