Dekko Comics provide assistance for ks2 curriculum

Dekko Comics are excellent tools for KS2 Support. Being fun to read and easy to remember, they provide natural assistance to readers needing help with their reading and learning. 

They covers topics relevant to the KS2 Curriculum. They are chosen and presented in such a way that the majority of topics will be relevant to other curriculums too, (both in and out of the UK), but the KS2 curriculum is their focus. 

When looking for activities and games to help with maths and literacy, Dekko Comics provide both support and high-value entrainment for the readers.


KS2 Maths

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Dekko Comics provide assistance in maths topics, from algebra to arithmetic to long division to timetables. 

Whether it’s teaching symmetry through a battle between two robots, or an entrepreneurial young boy swindling others through his knowledge of statistics, Dekko focuses on making the maths lesson FUN before educational. Thus, ironically, making the education more effective, and the complex maths rules far more memorable.



KS2 English 

Dekko Comics, online or in hardback, provide support for KS2 Reading, KS2 Writing and KS2 Grammar. 

The reading, punctuation and spelling lessons of Dekko Comics are so naturally fun that children are even reading them on their holidays and weekends. 

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KS2 Reading

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Dekko Comics includes text covering english, literacy and reading.

Reading can be a chore for many people who do and don’t struggle at school, especially when there are so many distractions in the world today. By focussing on entertainment first, Dekko uses the power of those distractions to engage the reader with their literacy & learning. 


KS2 Science

(Biology, Physics & Chemistry)

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Dekko covers the science topics across the board for KS2; biology, physics and chemistry topics alike. 

Science can be a tricky thing to get one’s head around sometimes, such as gravity or chemical reactions.

But Dekko Comics explain them through storytelling and funny characters, and thus makes them as easy and fun to follow as an activity or game


KS2 Languages

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Dekko Comics covers many KS2 lessons in French, making fun scenarios where the characters have to use French for all sorts of entertaining reasons. 

There are also a couple of German lessons covered in the comics too, as a bonus.


KS2 History

History topics such as vikings and anglo-saxons are covered within the comics too. Fun to read for anyone who enjoys history, and a great support for those who find it difficult to follow or remember.


KS2 Geography

The variety of Geography lessons can sometimes be difficult for some pupils, but Dekko Comics covers a good range of KS2 Geography lessons: from Longitude & Latitude, to Civilisations, to Volcanoes, etc. 

Learning them through Dekko Comics is a whole lot more fun and helpful than writing notes off a board!

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An important subject, Dekko does not leave PSHE out. We cover a few of the important PSHE topics. Sometimes these topics are easier to follow and understand through a comic story, and humour can surprisingly be a very effective tool for learning assistance.

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KS2 Games & Activities

As well as the comics, there are a number of other fun ways in which Dekko engages with its readership in the lessons they provide. This includes a Fan Page section, where we invite readers to submit their jokes and art, and a Puzzle Page section where readers are tested on what they’ve learned through fun activities you could practically find in a puzzle book. 

There are also several bonus posters within the comic, for the reader to enjoy, and some offer games and activities of their own. 

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Issues 1-12 Catch-up Set

The complete set of Dekko curriculum comics, collecting issues 1-12, available in one simple package.

Featuring: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Language (French & German) and PSHE.

Please note: Dekko Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic and Dekko Drawing are sold separately.