Issues 1-12 Catch-up Set

Issues 1-12 Catch-up Set
The complete set of Dekko curriculum comics, collecting issues 1-12, available in one simple package.
Featuring: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Language (French & German) and PSHE.
Please note: Dekko Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic and Dekko Drawing are sold separately.
Topics covered in the complete Dekko Comics Curriculum Set, Issues 1-12…
ENGLISH: Spelling; Parts of Speech; Figures of Speech; Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs; Vocabulary; Opinion vs Fact; Apostrophes; Tenses; Close Reading; Comma Rules; Sentence Structure; Prefixes; Verbs and Nouns; Creative Writing; Hyphens, Dashes and Brackets; Conjunctions; Suffixes; Silent Letters; Thesaurus; Semi-Colons and Colons; Adverbs and Modal Verbs; Paragraphs; Root Words; Setting, Character and Plot; Retrieving Information; Adjectives; Genres in Prose; Homophones; Nouns; Prepositions and Pronouns; Themes and Conventions; Proofreading
MATHS: Time; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Measurements; 3x Table; 4x Table; 7x Table; 8x Table; 9x Table; 12x Table; Factor, Multiple and Prime Numbers; Arithmetic; Algebra; Statistics; Geometry; Angles; Measuring Weight; Multiplication and Division; Ratio and Proportions; Fractions; Calculating the Mean; Short and Long Division; Symmetry; Written Addition and Subtraction; Perimeter and Area; Reflection; Percentage; Money; Rounding Numbers; Place and Value; Negative Numbers; Area and Volume; Decimals; Prime, Square and Cube Numbers; Roman Numerals
BIOLOGY: Sinuses and Colds; The Immune System; The Circulatory System; Healthy Eating; Reproduction; Living Things; Plants; Food Chains and Digestion
CHEMISTRY: Chemical Elements; Chemical Changes; Atoms; Water Cycle; Heat; Solid, Liquid or Gas; Rocks and Soil; Materials and Properties
PHYSICS: How Force Works; Electric Circuits; Sound Vibrations; The Solar System; Shadows; Switches; Brightness and Loudness; Gravity and Magnets; Day and Night; Simple Machines; Moving Surfaces
HISTORY: How to Use Historical Sources; WW2 Home Front; Mary Queen of Scots; Ancient Egypt; Vikings; Ancient Greece; Aztecs; Victorians; Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot; Discovery of America; Anglo Saxons
GEOGRAPHY: Natural Disasters; Volcanoes; Latitude and Longitude; Weather and Climate; The Ocean Environment; Farms and Food; Jobs and Work; Settlements and Cities; Types of Land
LANGUAGE: French - Greetings; Weekdays; Weather Terms; Colours; Numbers 1-100; What Do I Look Like?; What Do I Like Doing?; How I Feel. German - Basic Greetings; Different Foods
PSHE Greetings; Peer Pressure; Cyber Bullying; Self-Awareness; Respecting Differences; Assessing Risk; Rules and Laws; Bullying