Issue no.8

Issue no.8


Maths, English, History, French, Biology, Physics & PSE

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MATHS: Written Addition and Subtraction, Perimeter and Area, Reflection

ENGLISH: Adverbs and Modal Verbs, Paragraphs, Root Words

HISTORY: Victorians

FRENCH: 'What do you like doing?'

BIOLOGY: Living Things, Plants

PHYSICS: Switches, Brightness and Loudness

PSE: Self Awareness


Note: Dekko Comics issues are NOT chronological and can be read in any order. Each comic issue is 36 pages long and contains 12 comic stories as well as extra material.

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Issue no.5

Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic

Mental Health & Wellbeing Comic

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Issue no.12

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Issue no.6

Adventures On Inkling Island back cover_ELT Comic 01.jpg

Adventures On Inkling Island
