Issues 5-8 Catch-up Set

Issues 5-8 Catch-up Set
Our second four curriculum comics available in one simple package. Featuring: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Language (French & German) and PSHE.
Topics covered in Issues 5-8 Catch-up set…
ENGLISH: Verbs and Nouns; Creative Writing; Hyphens, Dashes and Brackets; Vocabulary; Conjunctions; Suffixes; Adverbs and Modal Verbs; Paragraphs; Root Words
MATHS: 4x Table; Angles; Measuring Weight; Multiplication and Division; Ratio and Proportions; Fractions; Calculating the Mean; Short and Long Division; Symmetry;
Written Addition and Subtraction; Perimeter and Area; Reflection
BIOLOGY: Reproduction; Living Things; Plants
CHEMISTRY: Water Cycle; Chemical Changes; Heat
PHYSICS: The Solar System; Shadows; Light; Switches; Brightness and Loudness
HISTORY : Vikings; Ancient Greece; Aztecs; Victorians
GEOGRAPHY : The Ocean Environment; Farms and Food.
LANGUAGE: French - Numbers 1-100; What Do I Look Like?; What Do I Like Doing?. German - Different Foods
PSHE: Peer Pressure; Cyber Bullying; Self-Awareness